Responsible Anchoring Program
Phase II: Power Pole Anchor Rebate
Phase II: Power Pole Anchor Rebate Program
Save Crystal River, in partnership with generous private and corporate donors, is offering a rebate program to local tour boat operators to reduce the number of anchors in Kings Bay. Anchoring causes irreparable damage to the eelgrass beds that are being restored, yet alternative anchors can be expensive. Through the generous donations from several individuals, we will be offsetting the costs of these anchoring systems. How to take part in the program: • To participate, businesses must be located within Citrus County and have a valid business registration on file. This program is intended for businesses that take visitors on the water for manatee tours, fishing, swimming, etc. primarily within Kings Bay and its canals. • This program can also be used for businesses that rent boats to the public that primarily stay within Kings Bay. • The boat owner must reserve funds in advance by notifying Save Crystal River in writing using the Intent to Participate form below. • After receiving confirmation of reservation of funds, participants shall purchase and install the new spud anchor of their choice and submit proof to Save Crystal River within 60 days of installation. • Save Crystal River will do a physical inspection to verify that the equipment has been installed before releasing funds. • Rebates will be given on a first come first serve basis until funds run out. • It is required to notify Save Crystal River of your intention to use this program BEFORE purchasing using the attached form to reserve your funds. You will have 90 days from this intent to purchase notification to buy and install your anchor. Failure to use the funds before the fund’s reservation expiration date will result in those funds being returned to the general account for others to use unless an extension is obtained from Save Crystal River.
If you prefer to download a printable version of the application, use this button. We can also email the document directly to you.
In either case, complete your application and mail it to us at Save Crystal River, 9155 N Suncoast Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429, or you may scan and email it to us at info@savecrystalriver.com
Note: Receipts and proof of installation must be submitted within 90 days of the above date or availability of funds
are forfeited unless written extension is granted by Save Crystal River representative for extenuating circumstances.